Don’t Flatline Your Medical Aspirations!

Get the Right Diagnosis for Your Educational Path with The MedMonk

Are you an aspiring MBBS student feeling both excited and daunted by what lies ahead? Or perhaps you are an overseas medical graduate who is concerned about FMGE restrictions? Maybe you are dreaming of a high-stakes medical career in the United States and are wondering how to pass the USMLE? No matter who you are, you have a unique medical journey ahead of you, and we are here to make it a rewarding one.


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What Sets Us Apart

Bespoke Courses

Each course is designed after a thorough needs assessment, including an ideology, mindset, focus, and dedication analysis for each student.

Exceptional Faculty

Learn from a dedicated team of medical professionals and educators who have an unparalleled track record of success in the FMGE and USMLE exams.

Holistic Wellbeing

Our team of psychologists is committed to ensuring that you stay focused and emotionally balanced. We understand the journey is strenuous; that’s why we don’t just educate; we nurture.

Skill Development

Learn the essentials of presenting answers effectively, retaining vast amounts of information, real-world application of topics, and more.

A Sneak Peek into the Future

Start visualizing your post-graduation journey early. Understand what specializations might appeal to you and get tips on preparing for them.

Parental Partnership

We engage with parents to provide holistic support to our students. Through regular updates and counseling sessions, we ensure the family is a part of the student’s educational journey.

Success Record

Our tailored courses and specialized teaching methodologies have resulted in a 100% clearance rate for our students.

About The MedMonk

Start learning with The MedMonk—South India’s pioneering medical institute offering specialized coaching in University exams, FMGE, PLAB, NEXT/NEET, and USMLE. Experience India’s first 1-on-1 online coaching, customized to your unique learning style and goals.

Our elite faculty are more than just educators; they’re mentors with a decade or more of expertise, committed to your academic and emotional well-being.

What sets us apart? A holistic approach that goes beyond textbooks. We blend strategic planning, continuous assessment, and emotional support, tailored to your individual needs. Our courses are available both online and offline, with regular small-batch classes and additional revision support.

Choose The MedMonk for a personalized, comprehensive approach to medical education.

Frequently asked questions

How will taking a course with The MedMonk benefit me academically?

The MedMonk offers comprehensive instruction on the fundamentals of medical subjects. This foundation equips students to perform well in competitive exams such as the USMLE, PLAB, NEXT/NEET-PG, and others.

Are the classes conducted live or online?

We offer courses in both offline and online formats. Our experienced and well-trained faculty deliver these sessions efficiently.

Are the course sessions live or are they pre-recorded?

All sessions are conducted in real-time (live).

Who teaches the classes?

Qualified faculty with subject-matter expertise conduct the classes. They possess the skills and knowledge required to teach their respective subjects effectively.

Will I receive individualized attention during the course?

Each course has a limited enrollment to ensure that every student receives personal attention. This helps students excel academically.

Will I be assigned a mentor for the course?

Yes, each student is paired with a skilled and trained mentor relevant to the chosen course. Our mentors provide ongoing guidance throughout the course duration.

Is there support available for managing stress?
The MedMonk has a dedicated team of psychologists and personality trainers to help students manage academic stress and peer pressure.
What should I do if I miss a class due to unforeseen circumstances?

If you miss a class for reasons beyond your control, please contact our customer service team for further instructions.

Can I review or re-listen to a past class?

If you wish to revisit a class, please reach out to our customer support team for assistance.

How can I get a discount on a course?

Prior to course orientation, we conduct an assessment exam. Based on your performance in this exam, you could receive up to a 10% discount on the course fee.


MedMonk coaching for medicos is highly effective and result-oriented.
The methodology of teaching is aimed at strengthening the basics and preparing the students for cracking the exams.

I cleared my FMGE Jan 2023 with 193 score. All thanks to The Medmonk faculty. Special thanks to Dr. Vivek sir who is available whenever you need any help. Medmonk provides proper guidance and teaching faculty is great.

It was very helpful for me. The tests helped me to know the portions in which I am weak and get a good result. Medmonk was of great help in my success.

One of the best coaching places to crack your university exams! The one-on-one interaction with faculty helps us way more than any other coaching institute!

It is a great institute for MBBS coaching. good faculties,very helpful and cleared doubts without any hesitation. personal attention in my subjects helped me many times. Their coaching materials made me gain confident.

Love the way they support the students in hard times. The MedMonk has been very helpful in growth of my career.

Vivek has been really helpful in understanding my brother’s difficulty in clearing his first year exams. Would recommend MedMonk for bright medical education.

Upcoming Courses

Foundation Course for 1st MBBS

Give your medical journey a strong start with comprehensive early education. Enroll before September 10, 2023.

FMGE Specialized Course

With a drastic fall in FMGE passing rates to just 10%, your preparation needs a strategic partner. The course begins on September 10, 2023.


Reach Us

#504, Hallmark ReedTree, Alkapur Township, Manikonda – 500089.

073307 40347

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